Mini Cuestionario de Acúfenos
People suffering from tinnitus should consult an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) (otolaryngologist) and an audiologist for diagnosis. Thus ear and cerebral diseases can be excluded. Treatment resulting of the diagnosis varies individually and depends on the situation and the health care system of each country and it will differ according to the fact of fresh or chronic tinnitus.
EUTi is open to all tinnitus-patients. One of EUTi’s aims is to inform about recent methods of diagnosis and treatment which are available in all countries. Additional information will be provided by EUTi on hyperacusis and Menière’s disease, both important phenomena that may accompany tinnitus. Medical care mostly has to deal with chronic tinnitus (symptoms for six month or more). Recently chronic tinnitus is treated by teams made up of an ear, nose and throat specialist, a psychotherapist and an audiologist who cooperate in working out a therapy.