Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) es una condición en la que la capacidad de la pared intestinal para mantener a las moléculas grandes y no deseados se reduce. De ahí el nombre, como las sustancias que normalmente se mantienen fuera del cuerpo y dentro de los intestinos, son "fugas" a través de la pared intestinal y en el cuerpo como un todo.
Predisposing factors for Leaky Gut:
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
- Taking aspirin/ibuprofen/antibiotics/drugs
- Exposure to environmental toxins
- Poor digestion
- Sluggish liver detoxification
- Stored Toxins
- Those who have bacterial/microbial infections or inflammation
Symptoms of Leaky Gut:
- Fatigue
- Arthralgia
- Myalgia
- Fever
- Abdominal discomfort
- Diarrhea
- Skin rashes
- Toxic feelings
- Memory deficit
- Shortness of breath
Nutrients and Herbs to repair Leaky Gut:
- Glutamine: this is the fuel for intestinal cells
- Lactobacillius bifidus: this probiotic helps to re-establish proper gut flora
- N-acetyl Glucosamine: prevents binding of harmful products to the intestinal lining
- Vitamins C and E, lipoic acid, zinc and ginkgo biloba: these antioxidants help to decrease free radical damage to the intestinal lining
- Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL): increases the lifespan of intestinal cells
- Slippery Elm: helps to calm the inflammation of the intestinal lining