9 de abril de 2013

Eurocare-3 Study..EUROCARE-5

EUROCARE(EUROPEAN CANCER REGISTRY BASED STUDY ON SURVIVAL AND CARE OF CANCER PATIENTS) is the widest collaborative research project on cancer survival in Europe. The project started in 1989 under the initiative of two research institutes, Istituto Nazionale Tumori (Milan, Italy) and Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome, Italy), with the participation of a large number of population-based Cancer Registries throughout Europe.
Survival of Cancer Patients in Europe: the EUROCARE-3 Study

The main results of the EUROCARE-3 study, covering cancer patients survival up to 1999 in 22 European countries, were published in December 2003 as a monograph of Annals of Oncology, appearing as Volume 14, Supplement 5.
A more detailed database of EUROCARE-3 results can be obtained in the following alternative ways:
  1. downloading the database
  2. accessing on-line the database
  3. requesting a CD-Rom

Eurocare 4 Survival Analysis 1995 - 1999
 The fifth and current edition, EUROCARE-5, includes data on more than 21 million cancer diagnoses provided by 116 Cancer Registries in 30 European countries.